I'm currently serving as a reviewer for Geekorama.net , run by the awesome Kat Roets - be sure to check it out! - and I love being able to read a wide selection of independent comics, even the not-so-good ones. I also love having the chance to vent my spleen upon some poor unsuspecting comic. It can be difficult to find something to say due to the episodic nature of the medium; it's pretty much like reviewing a TV series episode-by-episode...and in some cases, reviewing half an episode at a time. But here's the question I'd like to discuss on The Rick Show today: why review comics? As a medium, comics is just as worthy of review as film or literature; that's a moot point (at least to me). But what I'm really asking is, what am I trying to accomplish with my reviews? Why give a scathing review to something like Titan's Penny Dreadful - a really bad comic book treatment of a TV show - when it would be just as easy to ignore it as yet another example of ...
A blog about comic books, art, stories, and interesting tidbits.