The launch of Fight or Flight also coincides with the release of my new solo effort, Aeolus. This was planned (or just happened to end up as) a three-parter: Part I is due out this month, Part II hopefully by the beginning of February, and Part III is coming out whenever the hell it comes out, so don't rush me. Yes, I know - your fearless blogger has, in previous posts, made the announcement that "Dark Corner Productions will get a comic out in December, so help us God!!!" And of course that has not happened. Why? Well, firstly, we - myself and the inimitable Joe Haines (everyone I know is inimitable) - are a couple of comic book moonlighters with little free capital. There's just no money, and there's just no time. Dark Corner Productions is currently hogtied by its artists' committments. As long as this continues to be the case, we can kiss any definite deadlines goodbye. Secondly, I've experienced a change in philosophy. I used to be extremely gung-...
A blog about comic books, art, stories, and interesting tidbits.