I saw Infinity Pool with my fiancée for Valentine's Day, and we spent the rest of the car ride home discussing it. It's certainly a thinker. I love movies that operate like intricate layered puzzles that can be picked apart for their themes - movies like Jordan Peele's Nope come to mind. While Peele likes to wear his themes on his sleeve (not necessarily a bad thing), Brandon Cronenburg is subtler, more willing to obfuscate and play games with his audience. I really wanted to take some time and analyze this film. I haven't seen any of Brandon Cronenburg's previous films, so I'm a bit fresh in terms of his recurring motifs; obviously I'm quite familiar with the work of his body horror-obsessed father. Brandon takes a much more cerebral tack that's still quite terrifying in its implications. **Spoiler Alert!** for the entire film - so if you haven't seen it, go out and see it! I. Synopsis Writer James Foster and his wife Em are vacationing at a ...
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