pretension 1 [pri- ten -sh uh n] noun the laying of a claim to something. a claim or title to something. Often pretensions. a claim made, especially indirectly or by implication, to some quality, merit, or the like: They laughed at my pretensions to superior judgment. a claim to dignity, importance, or merit. pretentiousness . the act of pretending or alleging. an allegation of doubtful veracity. a pretext. pretentious [pri- ten -sh uh s] See more synonyms for pretentious on adjective characterized by assumption of dignity or importance, especially when exaggerated or undeserved: a pretentious, self-important waiter. making an exaggerated outward show; ostentatious. full of pretense or pretension ; having no factual basis; false. (From ) As you know, I've struggled with comics as my medium of choice - mostly due to their perception (yeah yeah, I know...blame sokeyi...
A blog about comic books, art, stories, and interesting tidbits.