I'm not sure what to think of my life right now. I have a lot to be thankful for. The comic company is finally coming into its own, with a brand new newsletter and Joe stepping up to take some of the burden off my shoulders. I have a girlfriend, too - the lovely Mandy - who puts up with me and always offers encouragement. My brother's getting married. I have a big trip planned for the end of the summer. A lot of things are going my way. The problem is, it's not going my way the way I expected it to. As of now, it's like I'm coursing down a moderately fast river with a lot of bends and turns...I can steer myself toward the most advantageous part of the stream, but that doesn't mean I'm in control of where it goes. It's exciting to be on the rapids. It's also fraught with peril. I'm not very good at thinking on my feet (although I'm starting to adapt); I like to plan things out in advance, boom boom boom, and not worry about what's goi...
A blog about comic books, art, stories, and interesting tidbits.