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Showing posts from December, 2015

Die Kätze signing event!

Announcing the Die Katze signing event at Red Fox Comics! Join Joe Haines (inktographer/editor) and Rick Schlaack (pencilographer/director) for this mind-blowing experience on Wednesday, 1/20/16. Don't miss it!

Die Katze is here, you fools!

Dear fools...I mean, Gentle Reader: Die Katze Numbre Uno is here! Yes, it's that Lovecraftian/Silent Movie/Iams commercial-mashup you've all been waiting for, the comic you didn't know you needed until suddenly it appears, like a cool breeze on a hot day (said cool breeze being the musty sepulchural emanations of an ancient crypt)! It's officially out on 12/22/15, but the box of comics is in my hot little hands as we speak, so feel free to knock me over on the street and run giggling away with it. Like Nike sneakers and Beanie Babies, it's sure to have some killer resale value. Niche economic bubble, anyone? No takers? Durn. Behold, your new master. Her only weakness? Mondays! She hates Mondays... Now, of course, it comes down to marketing and merchandising. I'm going to see if I can print up some buttons and such; I wouldn't go so far as to make plushies, but that might be an option someday. We're having a book signing for it - Red Fox Comics ...