So I've been doing a lot of thinking in my little brain. Thinking about my noir/zombie/scifi story, that is. My problem is this: I'm bored with my main character. I simply don't find him compelling. So here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to make Hal Dunlin female. I don't know what the "Hal" is short for; frankly, I don't care that much. I just want a character that's interesting to me, and fun to draw. I'm going to make Hal short, and kind of punky - think "Hopey" from the Hernandez Bros. Love and Rockets. For some reason I see her wearing a pinstripe suit. It just seemed cool and kind of badass. This, for me, sucks out some of the depressing grimness of the story, and makes it stylish, almost in a Sin City kind of way. I'm going to change the original female character, too; I feel like a louche millenial wouldn't play off the new Hal too well. Instead I imagined her polar opposite: big and athletic, kind of...
A blog about comic books, art, stories, and interesting tidbits.