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Showing posts from November, 2012

While you were away...

Holy crap! How long has it been? Let's see, what happened between now and last posting...? The Human Cannonball #2 has come out; Bone Boy #2 is just about finished; a Bone Boy website is flailing in the breeze; Blind Alley Comics has moved its base of operations to Sparta Grill Coney Island in Webberville; I've moved out of Howell and am now living in Pinckney; and I began my new job as an electric-meter reader for DTE last week, and am already wondering if I made a huge mistake. So yes, things have been going fast and furious for the past...four months. Gee, has it only been that long? It feels like a year. Two years, even. More updates...maybe? More blog posts...sometime? I don't know. This job is kicking my ass. I come home from work and just sleep. I'm sure it'll get better in a bit. Just need to take it slow and relax. In the meantime, Happy Thanksgiving! Rick Out.