I'm proud to announce that The Human Cannonball #1 is just finished, and will be coming out...when I get some money. Seriously, there is no money available to print this thing. I need to set up a PayPal account and start begging. But who cares! It's done! Pop the cork on the Champagne-in-a-box, and let's party. I'm thinking of taking THC and offering it to Image or Dark Horse or one of those other comic book publishers, because frankly, I'm sick and tired of having no distribution or marketing. 'Tis true, I do like the whole local-hero DIY aspect of Blind Alley Comics (I'm already halfway to becoming Harvey Pekar...on the inside). But when it comes down to it, who are we kidding? Blind Alley Comics has no budget for marketing, distribution, and (often) printing our comics. Even if we managed to sell a comic to all the people we know, we still wouldn't make enough to finance a production level of any appreciable scale. With that in mind, I'm going to...
A blog about comic books, art, stories, and interesting tidbits.