The DCP art show opening was - for all intents and purposes - a success. Out of the dank, unswept recess that is Basement 414, the intrepid Joe Haines and myself forged a show-space from pure will (and some dividers and black fabric). We have about twenty pieces up so far, with more on the way. It was a little dicey there at the beginning - they opened the Basement up around 6:30 pm , instead of the requested 5:00, and so we were still setting up when the show was supposed to open. That was okay, though, because nobody showed up until around 9. Needless to say, your favorite blogger was a little bummed. Thankfully Joe was able to provide some encouragement ("Dude, it's the Basement - I wasn't expecting anyone to show up on time anyway"). At any rate, we did manage to lure some poor unfortunates into our web. They were quickly devoured, except for the vital organs, which were kept fresh for later consumption. A quick update on the show: the Grand Closing will be on Sat...
A blog about comic books, art, stories, and interesting tidbits.