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Showing posts from May, 2009


Forgive the exuberance. Made about $60.00 at the 2009 Motor City Comic Con, so I'm pumped. Sold 4 issues of Comics Obscura , one button, and 10 sketches. Didn't get very many pictures of the Con - I'm not much of a picture-taker, unfortunately. Did get my ugly mug immortalized with a pair of very lovely (and very accomodating) ladies in costume. Fig. 1-1: The author, with bemused beauties. My tablemates Josh and Matt also got in on the action: Fig. 1-2: Josh is happy. Fig. 1-3: Matt is also happy. He is also crouching down - the man is at least six-foot-six. (Note: the character on the left is the girl from The Fifth Element , one of my favorite movies of all time. If you don't know the character on the right, it's time to crawl out from under that rock of yours). Carrie Fisher was apparently at the Con, but I didn't go over to see her - from all accounts, she did not want to be there (where's a friendly Mark Hamill when you need him?). Much more friendly w...

Comics Review Series #1

At some point, way back in the misty dawn of time [of this blog], I said this was a comics blog. It hasn't really turned out that way, aside from a few sketchbook pictures here and there. I thought it was high time I put in a couple of comic book reviews, just to spice things up. The following is a series of very short reviews of comics I've read. Most of these come from the library where I work - we have a moderate collection. Because I'm lazy, the reviews will probably be quite short, depending on what I want to say about it. Also, if you've never heard of any of these comics or creators, all's the better - I've become a bit of a connoisseur, I've found, of comics nobody's ever heard of (although this review will include some more commonly-known titles and artists). (By the way, starting from this point, I might be using the word "comickers" a lot - it simply means, "comic book artists". It's just a bit easier than saying "...