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Showing posts from April, 2009

Improve Your Morel Fiber

I'm sitting here on a beautiful, rainy day at the end of a Michigan April, contemplating the emerald green of the new growth. The grass is impossibly soft; new buds stand out like millions of tiny jewels against the black of wet tree trunks. The crabapples and plum trees are sporting their May blossoms early, pinks and whites and magentas. The gray sky, so oppressive two months ago, now looks soft and warm as velvet. There are garter snakes on the move, even in the middle of the city; fat woodchucks snuffle around on the embankment of the railroad tracks. After the long winter, everything is beautifully, impossibly new. Fig. 1-1: Maple Street, in the rain. Fig. 1-2: The plum tree. View of Aberdeen Way, out front. For anyone who's lived in Michigan for any length of time (at least in the Lower Peninsula), you've most likely heard of that jewel of the northern forests, the elusive morel mushroom. The mere sight of one will cause even the most reserved of us to clap our hands ...

Finishing up.

Whew...! Just sent off the second installment of the Fight or Flight webcomic. That'll make it a grand total of...two installments. Lord have mercy. In a more upbeat vein, the final installment of TEQ has one page left . I'm going to have to sit myself down and just plug away until I finish it. After that, I just have three painted title pages to complete (for installments 4, 5, and 6), and then, voila! - - TEQ is done. After that, I have to swoop in and finish Squidgods . Twenty pages, or thereabouts. Then all my outstanding (and outstanding!) projects will be finished, and I'll have a couple minutes to breathe. Finals coming up at LCC. I just have that one paper to do; everything else is projects. Then I have ComiCon on the 15th of May, and then National Camp School on the 22nd (in Knob Lick, Missouri - Knob Lick, folks). And then on June 14th, I'm off for camp staff. Hurray for summer, and all that. Rick Out.
A quick image - four heads for ComiCon buttons: Fig. 1.1: Four heads. Longshots characters featured, clockwise from top left: Beth Kasty, Ishmael Kuffing, Captain Andrew Logan, Eric Mudrow. I think I ordered about fifty of these buttons. So far it's about the only preparation I've done for the Con - I guess I'd better get my butt moving on that. Get some posters printed, at least. I'm thinking of doing a banner with my name on it, or something along those lines. I'll see what goes on. And while we're posting images, here's four concept images for a Flash animation I'm doing. Hopefully, I'll be able to post the full animation for you sometime later. Fig. 1.2: The aged hippie. The Animation is for a Web Design project - Project 7, or some-such: "Design a Flash splash-page for a corporate website". Being the happy camper that I am, I decided any Flash splash-page for a corporate website would (and indeed, should have) aging counterculture f...